Saturday, November 16, 2024

Thankful, big and small.

 Linky bits.

Thinking about how things come about, and decided to break down my thankfuls to basic parts.

I knit. 

1. I am thankful for many breeds of sheep, types of cotton and other plants, and even some acrylics. 

2. I am thankful for the people who start the process, farmers, growers... I assume people who work with oil? 

3. I am thankful for the people who clean the fiber, and make it into a useable form, spinning and combining strands, and making skeins.

4. I am thankful for the people who move it from point A to point B. Trucks, trains, planes.

5. I'm thankful for yarn stores, craft stores, yarn festivals and shows, where my tribe and I can sniff yarn fumes to our heart's content. And, of course, buy yarn! 

6. I am thankful for dyers, who color the world in lovely shades. (Blatant plug, one of my favorites!)

7. I am thankful for the various teachers I have had, both to give me the skills I needed, and the confidence to try. And occasionally screw up... :P 

8. Thankful also for thrift stores, I have bought yarn there, but they were a gold mine for my knitting needles, when I was starting out.

9. And knitting needles! Short, toothpick like ones to work on glove fingers. Longer ones for the hand. Sets of double pointeds to knit socks. And cables, cords, and wires, all different types to help when I need them for specific projects.

10. And... People who appreciate my knitting. It's nice to see someone wearing a hat I made, or hanging up ornaments. Makes me feel good.

Wonderful week to all!!!


  1. I love yarns, too. Grateful for all these things

  2. :) Fun, and useful!


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