Saturday, November 02, 2024

Thankful day!

 Linky bits.

1. Rain has come back. So thankful, as it puts out fires in the state, it greens up the plants and trees... And I like the sound.

2. Silly, but I bought a cereal I liked as a kid. I still do, and it's nice to have a treat. It's  only available once a year now. Healthy, not so much, but it's fun.

3. I am thankful to be getting a handle on my Christmas knitting this early, so I'm not panic knitting in December!

4. I wanted a clock on my side of the bed. Ask and ye shall receive, husband found more than one in all the items we had stored from everything we had, and had received.

5. Got to see a friend's kid, he comes to trick or treat at our house. He's a fun kid, but I don't see him that often. I messed him up, I wore a tall hat in white, orange, and yellow. I said I was dressed as a candy corn. He actually stopped talking and stared...  :)

6. Thankful for leftovers. I have had days when I was busy, and it was nice to just heat up the food, add bread, or crackers, (it was soup, in this case), and eat.

7. Thankful for husband having friends that look out for goodies. His radio room was getting over crowded with various things. One of his friends offered him shelves.  Husband put them up, and now he has so much more table space! 

8. Thankful for snuggling kitties! Cool weather means even more cuddles... 

9. Thankful for people who have expertise. I was having an absolute rotten time trying to knit the Kitchener stitch. Since it was for a gift, I finally asked for help at a local knit shop. The gal was helpful, and was able to get the problem area fixed. 

10. And I am thankful to have met her, because she invited me to a knitting group get together! 

Have yourself a great week!


  1. The kid cereals are fun once in so often. My Sweetie loved Cap'n Crunch and will still crave a bowl once in so often.

    We were also glad for rain.

    Thanks for joining in the Ten Things!

    1. Anonymous5:58 PM

      Yes, it's probably good that the particular cereal I like isn't available all year. I'd either get sick of it, or be bigger than I already am!

  2. Nothing like shelves to keep things organized. I am glad to hear your husband has more room on his table.

    1. Anonymous6:02 PM

      Yes, I am glad, he likes to do various projects, and having a clean, open space to put things while he's working is terrific. As well as having desk space for paperwork..

  3. I am so curious. Which 'kids' cereal did you buy? I love list!

    1. Anonymous6:04 PM

      It's Count Chocula, only available during Halloween now, I loved it as a little kid. Mom would only let me get it if I used my allowance. I got rid of more allowances that way!

  4. Excellent TToT list
    Grat #6!*
    for whatever synchronistic reason, Grat 6 is showing up a lot this week
    (we're on a recruitment drive for bloggers to take a seat on the Board of Hostinae... if'n you're interested, email and we'll be happy to answer any question)

    1. Anonymous6:06 PM

      Not sure what a Hostinae is...
      But thank you!


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