Saturday, March 01, 2025

Ten to one says I'm thankful.

 Linky bits

1. There are crocus blooming all over my front area. Daffodils and tulips are waiting their turn...

2. Not a huge amount, but the hens are starting to lay again, so I have eggs for recipes. (Giving "my stash" a whole different meaning!)

3. My friend is improving after her ice crash, and was able to get a replacement vehicle! 

4. Nature's comedy show... We have a nuthatch that flies up into the oak tree with sunflower seeds, hides it in the moss on the branches. Then a squirrel runs out, digs through the moss, and has breakfast! Neither seems to have caught on to the existence of the other.

5. I have been working on a pair of socks that use #1 needles. The 2 socks combined are maybe 5-6 inches wide on the needles.

 The only #1 I had were 14 inch needles, which made it feel like I was having a fencing match with myself every time I worked on it. 

Finally had a chance to go to my LYS (Little Yarn Shop), and she had what I needed, and now hopefully I can finish my project with putting an eye out, or impaling myself! Yeesh! 

6. The knee is improving, but I had an exercise that was NOT working for me. Explained it to the PT, he made a modified version, now it works! 

7. And I know I am improving, because I walked without my cane, to show PT what I had been doing, and he said he could see much improvement! 

8. We had a rain/wind storm, and a few more days of just rain... No power outages, no trees in the road, and no flooding. Other areas weren't so lucky, but I think the worst of it passed us by. 

9. Sort of silly, but I am enjoying the compliments on my cane. Technically a walking stick. But it is nice looking, and if I feel like conversation, I can point out the kitty on it, and let them know it's my 'pole cat'! 

10. We have found a good supply of treats for Ding, and she is the thankful one. Nom nom nom nom...

Enjoy your week, and be well! 


messymimi said...

I very much enjoyed your list. Watching the squirrel and the nuthatch must be a daily treat.

clark said...

excellent grat item #6! always good when recovery proceeds... (old person P.S. lol) be careful outside! still plenty of secret ice!
have a good week

Misky said...

I love watching birds, and your nuthatch sounds wonderful

Kristi said...

Your description of fencing while knitting made me chuckle!

Lisa Tomey said...

So much to be grateful for!