1. I am thankful that Husband and I generally work together. Even to the point where we carpool, to save trips. It makes a much shorter day "running around", and not so much wear on the vehicle. And the company is nice! :)
2. I am seeing new birds at the feeders, that are indicative of spring. And the nuthatch and squirrel are still going at it, oblivious to the other. Crazy...
3. I keep reading articles, how to save money, how to be frugal. Cough. Almost without exception, been there done that, on nearly all of the ideas. Meh. If it works, it works.
4. Our neighbors checked on us about a problem animal roaming around, and we were able to let other neighbors know. I like that we have that in our area. (The neighbors, not the animal. That sentence wasn't the best.)
5. I have a pair of socks I am knitting. I have knit long enough, I guess, that I am planning another pair, but altering it because the pattern is a bit of a tinkery nuisance, and I want to make more color changes. I am thankful I've learned something over the years! ;)
6. So far, I have kept up with my resolutions for the most part. Some better than others, but I am keeping up with them.
7. My Physical Therapist is tickled with my progress, to the point he thinks I only need a couple more sessions, and then I will "graduate". I am walking without my stick a lot more!
8. I am thankful for tea. Sometimes, a steaming hot mug of tea just eases the annoying edges. And maybe makes the smooth edges a bit smoother.
9. I am thankful for my forsythia bush, it's blooming lovely yellow blooms.
10. And my Christmas cactus, that has no clue what holiday to bloom on, it hit New Year, Valentine Day, and St. Patrick's Day so far!
Wonderful week to all, enjoy!
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