Sunday, April 10, 2016

H is for Holy Crap, I am late...

I thought I'd written an "H", and one reader (Hi, Mom) noticed it wasn't up. And I got busy, and STILL didn't put it up.  So, very late, I have an H blog.

Unlike most of my gal friends in grade school, and a few of my friends now, I have never had a love of horses.  I like horses.  I think they are beautiful animals, and depending on what they are used for, quite useful as well, like say, logging, riding, that sort of thing.  But I like them, as some one else's animal...

Having grown up with horses that were determined to see me DIE, STOMP THE HUMAN, DIE!  I guess it made me more than a little hinky around equine-y beings.  Which is unique, when I went to talk to my neighbor.

You guessed, she has horses.  She, in fact, trains them.  So, I needed to discuss some little thing with her, and she has this HUGE brown horse, that kept looking at me oddly.  Then, he drops a hoof on the cement. CLOP.  I jump.  The neighbor laughs, pets the horse, and says, "You need to be patient, I'm talking right now."  The horse sniffed slightly.  We finished our conversation, and I left.

The next day, I was walking on the road, and she has the horse out exercising with a cart.  I wasn't paying any attention.  Next thing I notice, the horse is watching me, and pacing the pace I was going.  The neighbor was talking with the student, and didn't notice, I guess.

I kept walking, walking a bit slower, to see if the horse was really pacing me, and sure enough, it matched my pace again.  I sped up a little, it twitched ears, then sped up.

About this time, neighbor looks up, and realized the doings.  She shook the leads, and called out, "You need to move, she is walking just fine on her own."  Another shake of the leads, and the horse lets out an unmistakable snort. And no faster.  The horse was wanting to walk with me!  And not in a malicious, I want to stomp you to dust thing, in that, Hi, I want to be friends way.

I still am a bit timid with horses. But I must say, that was a very pleasant change!


MunirGhiasuddin said...

Great H word. You atre lucky that you got to make friends with a horse. Horses are beautiful.

messymimi said...

Horses can be intimidating, but Bigger Girl says the problem we have is horses see us as potential predators, no matter how much we like them. She claims if we always remember that, and behave around them with gentleness to calm their fear of us, it goes better.

Sharon said...

Horses (or their hay) make me sneeze. I love to watch them from afar.

Duncan D. Horne - the Kuantan blogger said...

Horses are such beautiful animals but can be a little intimidating if one is not familiar with them.

Open Minded Mormon A-Z

stephen Hayes said...

I'm a product of the suburbs and I'm always amazed how big horses are when you stand beside one.

Cperz said...

I love all animals but that isn't to say I am comfortable around all animals. I have spent most of my adult life in cities and now when I get all close up to any animal that out-weighs me, I am cautious. Even big dogs that I don't know freak me out. I walk 5 miles every morning and once in a while I pick up a dog following me and I start panicking. Horses are beautiful but I am not at all comfortable with them.

Lisa said...

I grew up with horses - my sister got hers when I was 2 and has had them ever since (40+ years!) She's always had good horses, and 2 in particular were ideal for kids to learn around. I grew up with Nibbs & my daughter has grown up with Captain - both were (are) patient & gentle & loved attention.
My sister loves having weekend family gatherings at her house, since she knows I'll be up before her and will go feed & let Captain & Kisses outside. Honestly, there's nothing more peaceful than sitting in the barn on a rainy day, with a purring cat on your lap, listening to the rain & the horses eat their breakfast, smelling the hay & horse. A feast for the senses!
Lisa at Tales from the Love Shaque