Sunday, February 12, 2017

Almost finished! And good chair...

So my blog of Jan. 28, where I said I was going to knit up my Doctor Who scarf.  As of a tiny bit before 7 pm today, I have finished the knitting.  Now to weave in ends, and make tassels. Then I will have a fully-functioning scarf!  I am sort of looking forward to showing it to a friend of mine, who is an even more geekity Who follower than I am...

And the chairs of Feb. 5?  I must not have been the only one displeased with the things.  There was, like my plan, a chair from the conference area.  It worked, no leg cramps, and no upset deputies.  I think we have a winner!  (I feel like putting a sticker with Volunteer Use Only, or something on it, so we don't lose the silly thing!)

Not a great lot otherwise, this week to blog about, let's face it, knit across, slip one stitch, knit across, repeat until next color, repeat again, isn't screamingly fascinating to read about.  But once I get it complete, I will see if I can get a photo up.

The animals are enjoying a rare sun break here at the moment.  See if I can get some pictures of them, as well...

I have (sigh) 4 roosters now.  Mon Ami, and an almost white one I call Blanc.  Technically Noir et Blanc, but Blanc is quicker.  I have two more I want to name, one is really lovely, with red wings, and is loud and boisterous.  The other is more his shadow.  I will have to see what some of those sound like in French.  I suppose it is silly, but they are French birds, so I am sticking with french names.  Guess it gives me something to learn, as I know zip in the French department...  (I am also tempted to call the red winged one 2 a.m., because, I found out, he crows at that time!)  

Also, I have been trying to say hi on some of your blogs, but I am still not getting the phone to cooperate.😒   I will see about saying hello on the computer more often...


Sharon said...

2 a.m. - good enough name!
Glad your 'new' chair works!
I'd like to see the scarf ...

messymimi said...

Well, i do hope the chair stays put and as for the roosters, i hope they don't fight too much. Not knowing much about chickens, i've heard they sometimes fight.

stephen Hayes said...

French chickens definitely need French names. Take care.

Cat said...

Well, he's consistent. Of course, I wish I didn't have insomnia to know this fact, but... Meh. Yes, happy about the chair, and I am about half finished with the weaving of ends, then ends, and it will be ready to photograph!


Cat said...

I do, too. So far, it's just Blanc that has been trying to prove himself in battle. However, since he hasn't won even against the smallest hen, I guess I am not terribly worried.


Cat said...

And crazy women need something to do, too! :D
