Saturday, May 25, 2019

Garden update.

The potatoes I planted the first time, were a total loss.  Between being frozen out, and then squished and fluffed by a cat, and munched on by slugs 'n bugs, there wasn't a lot to salvage.  I have planted, again.  Fingers crossed.

I also put a watermelon plant in.  That, on the other hand, is doing great, so far, in the hay bale. 

The carrots, pbbt.  So, I put another dose of carrot seed on the hay. Pbbt, pbbt.  I am thinking that I will not do carrots a third time in the hay bales, I will do something else, perhaps crookneck squash, or kohlrabi.  I just will plant the carrots in the dirt.  I am a bit disappointed, but I don't have very good luck with carrots...

I used a sample of the fertilizer that I had heard so much about.  I had received some at the garden store opening.  WOW!  That is good stuff, the plants I think have almost doubled in size already.  I will be purchasing more of that, real soon!

Husband helped me last year by putting leaves on the garden as mulch.  (He of the backhoe can cover QUITE a lot in a short time, I think he managed a world speed record for covering 8 or so raised beds with that thing!)  That has made the soil a lot easier to work with, it's moist, not crunchy.  The joys of clay soil... Yay.  Not. 

But with a spade fork, a claw, and a bit of extra time, I will be able to mix a few of the spots that I need ready for beans, corn, and crookneck. And kohlrabi. And some flowers in the one raised bed, which has some Lupine.  I am going to plant more, on the area in front of the garden, they do well, and the bees really seem to like them.

Mom bought me a bee house, speaking of bees.  The house is for little black Mason Bees.  All jokes about secret handshakes and aprons aside, I gather they are really a good bee for pollination.  Well, the little bees are moving into the bee house, and making little bee nests.  I am pleased. 

I have some trees I need to get planted this season, with the llamas gone, there is less chance of them being dined on.  Except for deer...  But I hope to put one of the trees, I recall it being flowering crabapple, nearby, so that the bees will enjoy that, too.  While it was blooming, it fairly buzzed, there were so many bees in it.

You know, I think I am pro cloning.  I think I have to have about 2 or three more of me, to get all the gardening finished!  And the patio I am getting built.  And weeding... And, and, and...

Well, I won't be bored, at any rate!

1 comment:

messymimi said...

Everyone, i think, could use a clone or two at least on occasion. Good luck getting to everything, i hope the carrots grow well in the ground since they are so stubborn about hay.