Tuesday, August 06, 2019

A.I. communication...

I found out my car, the little electric one, can talk to me, somewhat like a millennial, through emoji...

I had all out to my car, and thought Husband had grabbed my purse and put it in the car.  I sat down, ready to leave, and pushed the starter button. 

The car gives a small buzz, then an image of a key pops up.  "No Key Detected".  Huh.

Look in the back.  Yep, no purse, ergo, no key.

I look back up front, in time to see an image of the key I should have, and a picture of the button to start the car.

Is it bad when you think your car is trying to wise off to you? 

Oddly, it also sends code for various things.  Door is open?  An "H". (dit dit dit dit.)
Lights on? A "T".  (daaaaaaaah. It's a long t.)
There are two or three others, enough that I wonder if someone was a ham with a sense of humor.  The most common letters I hear are  S, T, H, I.  And without too much imagination, you can see what that word is... 

It also has little tree 'emojis' to tell me how far I've traveled saving fuel.  Some red and yellow warning triangles. (Mostly 'the put on your seat belt' thing...)

So, it's a rather chatty little thing.  All I can think of is if they would actually get a voice on her...

Oh, wait.  She DOES have a voice... Literally, she tells me verbally when the battery is low, and inquires if I would like to find a battery charging station.  She also tells turn by turn directions if I use a map... Along with a DING about a half mile before the turn.

So, it looks like she is actually a bit more aware and polite than many PEOPLE that I know. 

On occasion, including myself...

I haven't taken to calling her Hal. 



Maybe...  :)


messymimi said...

Yes, the computers are getting too smart for my liking, but they haven't asked me. Probably never will, either.

Cat said...

I gave up on being smarter than a computer much time ago...