Saturday, December 05, 2020

Deep in my cups!*

 Some time ago, I was going to put my Christmas mugs up.  Crossing my fingers, the internet is holding, and I have them all out and ready to go. There are 31 at this point. Some technically are winter, not Christmas, but whatever. I will try and post one a day.

So, the cups, in no particular order.

#1.  I bought this at a now defunct grocery store, they always had a little table with fun items and snacks for the various holidays.  I have no idea why, but this little guy looks like Ziggy with a beard.  

It could also have a distant resemblance to Tow-mater from Cars.  Either way, I think it's cute.

* For any interested, that is a Renaissance term for being drunk, or at least heavily imbibing.  In my case, it means I haven't skipped any Christmas mugs yet!


Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

Yes, it is very cute. I have taken out a few Christmas decorations to display (to no one) but they do seem to help lift my spirits. I lift my cup to you.

Cat said...

Thank you! :D

messymimi said...

Yes, i caught the reference on "deep in his cups", i thought it was quite clever of you to use it.

You are right, i am a Ziggy fan and that little guy could be his cousin.

Cat said...

Thank you, with no faires to go to, figure I would use what little mental stuff for fun on here, mayhap. ;)

I am glad I am not the only one who sees Ziggy!