Thursday, February 06, 2020

Mother Nature is at it again!

We had weather for the last month or so, that was much springlike.  So much so that we have beautiful crocus, and some daffodils, and even a few iris.

So I walk out and there is my lovely spots of yellow peeking through the dry leaves and grasses. 

The night before, it was 34 degrees.  Next night it was 26ish. 

So, I walk out, and see my daffodils that look that odd translucence when they are frozen, and the crocus are all flopped over.  The crocus might survive, but I am not sure about the dillies...

 This time of year is sooo odd here.  We can have lovely spring, sometimes almost early summer like weather, and then boom, snow.

Oh, and did I mention, there WAS snow on the poor dillies?  And the next day had some Graupel, or hail snow.  (Thank you for the word, Momma!)  So, now we are supposed to warm up, and get rain...

Um.  Well, hopefully, we won't have snow for Easter.  Yes, it happened once, about then.  Somehow, I do think it would make egg hunting a lot easier!

Or harder...


messymimi said...

If you don't like the weather, wait five minutes. Right?

We will have ice on the cars one day, and need to turn the air on in the cars the next, so i get what you mean. We hope for no snow, however, as the swamp plants and creatures just don't do well with it.

Cat said...

I think most of the critters here are okay with it, relatively, but the plants, some do, some don't. Amazingly, the aforementioned flowers seem to be coming out of it. See what the next few weeks bring...