Saturday, March 07, 2020

It is NOT the 5th...

I have an anachronism that I enjoy.  I have a regular old watch.  Not an Apple Watch, that Dick Tracy-ish thing, just a watch.  It tells time, and on this one, a little square with the date.

And it isn't self correcting...

I was up early, and realized that it said it was the 3rd. 

I thought. 

Didn't have my glasses on, but I was sure it wasn't that far along the month.  I grabbed the glasses, but started my day before checking my watch again...

Well, I had to date something, and looked at my watch.  (I look at my watch, even if I have my cellphone in my hand.)  The 3rd?  What?  31??  Oh, crud, it's not the 31st! 

I had forgotten to move the date up after all that leaping 'stuff'.  So, after a quick redo of the date, I now have the correct day.

For a month or so, at any rate... !

(Oh, and just a note, it's also the time change, unless you are in Arizona or Hawaii...)

1 comment:

  1. Nothing like analog to make you look twice, for certain. My watch sometimes resets itself while i'm asleep, so i have to check and reset it in the mornings. It's still better than the phone i have to spend time reaching for.


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