Thursday, March 05, 2020

The choosing of chickens.

I am going to buy some chicks to up the number I have.   I have some hens that are getting older, so they aren't laying like they were, and I am getting more folks interested in "farm raised eggs". 

So I am looking at different breeds to add into my group.  I have mostly mixes.  I had, starting out, Rhode Island Reds, that's what my Grandpa E raised.  Which is fine, but they tend to be aggressive, and I really don't like having my fingers bitten, or having a rooster decide to try and attack me. 


I have a Faverolle rooster, (Anyone into Christmas music?  Faverolle hens are the 3 French Hens mentioned in the 12 Days of Christmas.  Your trivial trivia for today...)  They are much less agressive.  They are also not as readily available in this area.  But I might order from a hatchery.  Then again...?

I also have Cuckoo Marans, from a disastrous attempt at having a hen set on babies... Yoiks.  Anywho, they did fine, and are pretty nice birds... Except.

They are bound and determined to hide eggs.  This sort of defeats the purpose of having them lay eggs for me to sell...

I also have some Golden Wyandotte chickens, very laid back, BIG birds compared to the rest of my flock.  Not bad. 

So, I am going to do a bit of research, and come up with a laid back bird, that lays pretty well...  While eggs are my main concern, I must say, I think the little Polish Crested chicken that are for sale at my local feed store, would be a fun addition. 

So, updates on cluckables as I figure out what ones will be added...


  1. Not being a chicken expert by any means, i can only say i hope you find a breed that fits your need, and that if you really do get faster internet, you can post pictures.

  2. I don't consider myself an expert, but I have been around them enough to get an idea of what works, and doesn't, for me.

    And Husband and I just received a notice from the provider saying basically, do you REALLY want this, we are counting noses, so we can see how many people we are going to work with... (Loosely translated, of course.)



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