Monday, July 13, 2020

Technical Difficulty. Hope it's better now...

As you can see, I haven't blogged for a bit.  The internet here has been doing fine (frantic knock on wood!), but my phone died! Since that is the only way I have to get online, I was a bit stuck.

I ended up using my old phone, temporarily. It works... After a fashion.

It, however, doesn't hold a charge. And it cold last several hours, or a half hour, and no rhyme or reason for it. When this happens, it doesn't save what I had been typing. This lead to very unladylike words, and giving up on the blog until my phone was fixed. Fortunately, it was still under warranty, so it was just the time and effort getting it there. I must say, the company was very good about it.

So, the phone is back.  I am slowly getting it back the way I had it before, (they wiped everything off it, we had saved things in the card, Google had some of the rest...) But it's still getting it back. Yoiks! 

But, I can use it again, and I have a phone that I don't have to scream "Phone's dying, Bye!" Randomly during calls, that's fun.



Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

So frustrating! Glad you are up and running again.

messymimi said...

To err is human, but to really foul things up requires technology.

"We are stuck with technology when what we really want is just stuff that works." Douglas Adams

Dreaming said...

technology drives me crazy when it doesn't work!

Retired Knitter said...

Oh dear. I have never tried to post using my phone. I am a 10 finger typer on the computer but slow as the hills pecking away a message or anything like that using my phone. Have a poor network connection must be very frustrating.

Cat said...

Starting Over: So am I, thanks!


Cat said...

Messimimi: Both of those comments are gospel truth! And the second one is truly related to having a phone/computer that chooses randomly to do or not to do... Yeeesh, that's a pain. Not so great for those on the other end, either!!

Cat said...

Dreaming: You can talk to my husband about what I think of things not working... On second thought... Don't. Ahem.


Cat said...

Retired Knitter: It has taken some getting used to. I don't write quite as long a blog as I used to. But, I think it works, for the most part. A bit annoying with typos, but I try and check several times before I hit publish. And, knock wood, the internet SEEMS to be holding. So far...