Ding has learned, when we say bird, to look out at the feeder. She then chitters at the birds, and will sometimes jump onto the window frame for a better look. Which doesn't really work, because it scares them off... But she tries, anyway.
Not sure if this is Anna's, or a female Rufous Hummingbird.
They seem to like our feeder set up as much for a rest break, as for dining. They seem to want to watch us nearly as much as we watch them.
A Fox Sparrow? Maybe? They tend to park and eat, real sit down meals, not one or two seeds and go take out.
Dark Eyed Junco, checking the menu...
What the birds see at the window!
Your cat loves bird TV!
What a BEAUTIFUL cat!!
Yes,and we have several nose prints on the window to prove it!
Yes, we think so. I suspect SHE knows it, too. But she doesn't hold it over us. Much...
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