Monday, January 18, 2021

It's Christmas all over again! (Sorta...)

 So Christmas has come and gone, and I never made fruitcake.  Half my family loves it, the other half seems to feel it's good to use as a toilet brick.  But I had a mind to make some, and had bought the candied fruit. 

Aaaaand, never set about to make it.  Well, this last week, a thought burbled up in my head, wonder if there is such a thing as fruitcake cookies?  I looked online, and indeed, there are several zillion different kinds.  I decided to go with a fairly basic one, and tried to follow it as closely as I could.  (fruitcake cookie recipe)

I did have to improvise.  I didn't have dates, so I used raisins, and I didn't have pecans or filberts, so... Lots of walnuts, which I DID have. 

They came out nicely, so I shared with Mom.  She likes fruitcake, like I do.  She thought they were great, and then told me Dad liked them, too!  I was more than a little surprised. He isn't a fan of fruitcake, or most of the stuff in the cookie, as far as I know. But then, Husband tried them.  He likes them as well! This is the toilet brick guy... Uh...


So I might be making these next year...

Also, my poinsettia made it though the last year. Turns out, they want much more light than I was giving them.  But now, I guess it has enough of the 12 on, 12 off light levels that it's putting on flowers!  I am pleased.  I keep wondering if it will confuse the humming birds seeing the red in the window... 

It's grown a little more since I took this picture.  

Speaking of that, I am going to get the last of the Christmas cups up one of these days, but uploading them hasn't worked (to the blog, I mean.) I am not sure if I am doing it wrong, or bad time (more likely, as this one had problems, and is now fine).  So, hope springs eternal...  

I still haven't figured out how to blog ahead. I can save a blog, but I haven't found the part to date the various blogs, so I can do more than one at a sitting. I guess I will figure it out eventually...

I guess that covers it for the moment... :)


messymimi said...

The cookies do sound good, i am a fruitcake is fine if it's all the sweets you have person, but i don't go out of my way to eat it.

Sometimes the pictures give me fits, too.

On the side of the post you are writing in blogger, you should see where it says "Published on". If you click there, you can pick the date you want the post to publish.

Retired Knitter said...

I am not a big fan of fruit cake, BUT if it has enough nuts in it, like half nuts and half fruit - then it is yummy.