Thursday, March 10, 2022

19. Special Button.

 I have been listening to the news. Not a great thing to do, I know.

Anywho, I decided to make a 'special' button. I am not sure what I will do with it, or if I will make more, but I had this in my head, and I think it came out pretty much the way I wanted...

If I make any more, I will move the peace sign up just a smidge, but I used a flexible o ring, and it kept wanting to collapse the center.

The inside is a Dorset Button, the outside is crochet.

I hope it won't be needed for long...


Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

I believe the things we make can be like a prayer, a manifestation of our best hopes and ideals.
I love that you are stitching for peace.

Cat said...

Perhaps that is exactly it. I felt almost that I needed to do it.

npmckay said...

Love it!

Cat said...

Thank you!

messymimi said...

It's beautiful. Maybe you could make and sell them and give the money to a charity that is helping out over there.

Retired Knitter said...

Yep! That button is perfect!

Cat said...

That is a great idea, I am just unsure how to go about selling them... :/

Cat said...

Thank you!