Friday, January 05, 2024

Doc day. And socks.

 Went in for my yearly physical.  I have seen more doctors this year than for quite a bit!

 Anywho, all is well in the land 'o Bod, except for being a lard butt*, and I am working with the doctor on that, so we is good!  :)

After we finished up, he asked, as he normally does if we had any questions. I asked what socks he had on today. 

Before you wonder how far around the bend I've gone, this started when I first met him. I noticed he had goats knitted on his socks. I mentioned it, and he said something about it being for his pediatric patients. I replied I was young at heart... And showed off my socks that I knit. This has become a yearly thing.  

This year's that he was wearing, was blue socks with a white trail leading to the cuff, and the words "outdoor adventure" topped off with green trees around the cuff.  He chuckled at my enthusiasm.  I suspect it's a bit of 'humor the crazy lady', but I have a feeling it's probably a lot more fun than some of the things he has to deal with... 

*Yes, lard butt isn't a great term, but I am realistic. I am not Twiggy, and I use it to not take myself too seriously. And now that I can exercise and do things again, maybe it will be LESS lardy! 


messymimi said...

Your doc has a sense of humor and fun, a good sign, rather like my Doctor BowTie.

Anonymous said...

Hee, hee! My doctor wears bow ties quite a bit, too!