Monday, January 08, 2024

Quiet day.

Didn't do a lot, just took care of things that we really needed to, and spent the rest of the day relaxing a little.  

I have been knitting on some 2 needle socks.  Hadn't made any plans on selfish knitting this month... (Knitters knit like crazy for Christmas, then have January to knit for themselves.) 

I knit up a replacement scarf for one I gave out for Christmas, (Husband just thought it looked awesome, so I am making a set for me), so I need to make a hat. But I have a charity hat on the needles right now. And my ever present sock knitting, with dpns, not two needles.  Smaller, more portable. So, I guess I have some selfish stuff up my sleeve!

And Thursday I will be talking with a gal I've not seen in some time. She was head of volunteering at our local hospital.  She is now retired, but friends with the new head of volunteering.  Due to a string of events, my Dad was at the hospital, visiting, and caught up with her. And somehow, my name came up, she wondered if I still knit.


Well, she'd like to know about my knitting preemie hats. So I will be seeing her, and finding out what/how many/when, that sort of thing.  So, selfish? 


Maybe not!


messymimi said...

I don't think it's selfish to knit things for yourself sometimes.

Preemie hats, it sounds like a good cause.

Cat said...

No, it's not selfish, but a lot of Knitters tend to go gung ho on knitting for everyone else, but then they don't do their own items. I occasionally do it, but have gotten a lot more aware of what I want to "get finished" and try to budget for it. Even if my craft room might say otherwise... Cough.
