Wednesday, February 07, 2024

Burn out!

 So, Husband saw some of the wire from when we had the tree fall into the power line, that the clean up crew didn't take. I was going to wander down and look at it, but he got there first.

This was a chunk he cut off to show me. I believe he took the whole bit out of the ditch, as I didn't see it laying there later. The flat edge is where he cut it, the "fluffy" end is what melted.

The outside wraps are aluminum, the inner core is steel, if I remember what he was saying correctly.  But this was the bright scary flash of light we saw, it was busily melting!  Memento of the ice storm, I suppose. Hopefully not to be repeated any time soon!!

It was pretty good weather, so I decided to test my ankle a little. I walked to the stop sign nearest us, and back. Husband said it's about .6 of a mile.  I can tell I need to work on building stamina again, I was puffing and warm when I got back, but made it with no pain. And while not a speed record, I did keep walking consistently most of the way.  

As the weather improves, I can do more, when it's not great, I can do the machine in the house. 

But it's doing so much better than before! I still am recovering, says doctor, will be for several more months. That being said, I am on an upswing!!! 


1 comment:

messymimi said...

This is scary, such things having a meltdown. Congratulations on the walk!