Monday, February 05, 2024

Camo kitty.

 Mom bought me a very furry, warm blanket for Christmas. I enjoy using it, but we had to have a little set to with Ding. 

She decided to groom the blanket. First, she doesn't need the fuzzy stuff that comes off when she grooms. She also has rather... Robust breath, and I didn't want that smell on the blanket. 

She finally figured out that if she doesn't groom, she's welcome to stay on my lap.

She decided that's a good deal. So my gray kitty is enjoying my gray blanket. 

So we are both happy!

1 comment:

messymimi said...

I've never figured out why they sometimes groom a blanket or other cloth. It's usually of a certain texture.

Anyway, I'm glad she decided to stop.