Saturday, February 17, 2024

Home stretch, and thankful-ness.


The shawl is coming along. The upper center, by Ding, is the crochet edging. I have to do another knit, then crochet edging for the front, and I will be nearly finished. Just work out where the button goes, so I can wear it. It attaches in the back. 

Okay, I can't convince a few websites that I do not have cookie crunchers, so to speak, so... Notes after I finish. 

Ten things of thankfulness. 

1. My phone has been working fairly well to get blogs up, and I am remembering to get them up, too! 

2. Our dishwasher broke, and Husband convinced me that it wouldn't be a disaster. I wasn't convinced. I detest washing dishes, and I guess I am paranoid about them being clean.  Well, it's been... A few months now, and... The dishes are clean, Husband has been very, very, good about helping, and while it is still not anywhere near my favorite chore, I actually... Don't mind it too much. Miracles do happen...

3. Fresh chicken eggs! The girls are starting to lay, and I hope to see more eggs soon.

4. Family has been fairly healthy, at the moment. Not perfect, but generally okay. Okay is good! 

5. I have lots of tea, and have been enjoying a decaf cuppa before bed. 

6. My exercises for my ankle have been working well, I am pretty well able to walk, climb stairs, push doors, all without pain, or falling on my dignity. 

7. Ding has finally come to a peace agreement with Jack Frost. I knit a toy, I bring it out when there is a chance of snow. Ding has picked it up and thrown it off the couch more than once. I just took it out a day or so ago, and she stopped, glared at it for a bit, then jumped up on top of the couch and ignored it. Yay! 

8. Finally came up with not one, but two ideas for some super wonderful specialty yarn I bought for myself. One skein only, so I had to decide what to make. I will most likely make a light scarf. As usual, pics later. 

9. I am sort of getting a schedule for things I want to do, reading, finishing projects, cleaning, and it's working, for the most part. 

10. I am getting things planned for garden this year, and even if I don't do everything I want, it's fun to think about!

Even though I can't link, this is from Mimi's blog:

Welcome to the Ten Thing of Thankful blog hop! Join bloggers from all over the world as we come together to share those things that we are thankful for. Ten is in the name, but no one is counting; feel free to link up no matter how many (or few) you can list. Make sure to go read and comment on the posts, too. The TToT has always been big on making this a friendly community, and getting to know each other through posts and comments is a huge part of that. I'm thankful for you!

Thanks also to those who help get the word out about this blog hop, and for those who join me (Dyanne) as co-hosts: Mimi, Clark, Lisa,

While we are rather lax on the number of items of gratitude required in a Ten Things of Thankful post, we do remain committed to the focus of the posts. We welcome all on-topic posts, but retain the right to remove any posts that don't share in our purpose of expressing thankfulness. Thanks for understanding! 


messymimi said...

I do love your thankful list! I'm so glad about Ding and I always enjoy seeing your projects.

I'll link you up with the Ten Things group, Dyanne got a post up with the link for the weekend.

Kristi said...

It's nice to see you at the Ten Things of Thankful blog! Welcome!
It's it nice that spring is on the horizon? Fresh eggs, garden plans, etc.
Thanks for sharing your lovely list!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for linking me, my phi was being a poop, I guess.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, hope to make a habit of it...
And yes, spring means gardening can't be far behind! :D

Anonymous said...

PHONE! See what I mean?

clark said...

Welcome to the TToT bloghop.
Really can identify with your Grat #9 I tend to be almost as surprised at the actual execution of a schedule as I am of the outcome!

(Your link did make it through to my post, so that's good)

Have an excellent week