Thursday, February 15, 2024

More springiness.

 First egg of the season. 

Pretty soon my Mom can have "decent" eggs again. And I will stop accidentally crushing the store bought eggs when I cook.  No wonder they have such protective cartons!

I am working on the edging of my shawl. I will try and get a picture up soon. I also am working on a chemo cap for the hospital. Again, picture soon.

Did I get to see the volunteer coordinator? No, but I talked to her on the phone. When asked what the specifics for the hats were, she basically said no wool, and soft. Boy, does that give me some wiggle room!  I have wanted to try a few patterns, this will give me an excellent excuse.  

Have basically been reading about 6:30 to 7pm. Sometimes even 6pm, if I've finished my blog. Which means I am, I'd say, about a quarter through the latest book. Pretty good read, so far.

Valentine's Day was a movie marathon, and I made Husband a dinner he very much likes. We had some chocolates from a gift my parents sent over. They were nice, except for a sea salt chocolate. Having a chocolate with chunks of salt in does nothing for me. In fact, I find it disgusting.  But the others were great...


messymimi said...

And my husband loves chocolate with a bit of salt.

I do hope you get plenty of eggs soon and that your Valentine's Day was wonderful.

Anonymous said...

LITTLE salt is fine, this had chunks like "ice cream" kosher salt. Much, much too much! :P