Friday, February 09, 2024

My books. Oops.

 I think I am working out why I am not getting far on my books. 

I was checking on the one I'm reading right now, about a third of the way through. Which is not really great, since A) it's a short book, and B) it's has several sketches and photos to break things up.

I am just not devoting the time to reading books. Why not... I have been reading other things. Magazines, articles online about gardening. Letters... Heck, I've been reading blogs, too, just not my books so much.

I think I might have to do something like I did for my exercise, and make a special time for it. I try to exercise right after I get up. I joked that that way I was too sleepy to talk myself out of it.  It's not perfect, but I am a lot more diligent about it than just, oh, I should exercise. 

Might have to give myself a bit before bed. I do need to not make it while IN bed, because, I have been known to just continue reading until I fall asleep, and whack my face with the book, or finish the book and it's much, much too late at night. Plus, that isn't great for Husband, as the light is on during that...

So, I will work on the best time to read for me, over the next week or so, see when I'm not busy, or tired, bored, or whatever, and see if I can make a somewhat dedicated reading time... 

I have considered a schedule, but I really am not sure if that will work. Hmmm. 

Meh. News as events warrant... 

1 comment:

messymimi said...

Make a date with yourself to do it. Exercise before you are awake enough to talk yourself out of it is smart. I used to do that before I had to be at work at 6am.