Saturday, March 30, 2024

Thankful, of which there are ten.

 Linky bits.

1. And a very important one. Took Dad to doctor for surgery, he had skin cancer on his ear.  We were told it would be a minimum of 2 hours, more likely 3 or more, once doctor got in there. 

I dropped them off, and had a tiny bit I needed to do since I was near the post office. Did that, chatted with a guy on the way back to the doctor's office... Was allowed in to sit with Dad and Mom. 

Just got comfortable, pulled out my knitting. Big surprise... And before I could get more than about 3 stitches on, the nurse walks in and tells Dad it's gone. After much confusion, the basic idea, as I understand it, they do a "deep" biopsy, and the biopsy basically took the whole blob of cancer out. (Doctor checks it extensively under a microscope, so he's quite sure.) In fact, when the Doctor came in, he said something like "No Spock Ears for you today!"

2. The post office thing, I decided to send off some postcards for my Postcrossing stuff. And I received my first address for someone in the US, too, so we'll see what happens! :)

3. The neighbor has his cows back in the field across from our front yard. There are calves, running around and playing, and I know the minute the owner shows up to feed, they all head to the barn in one long line, (the cows go marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah...)

4. I cleaned the kitchen, a very intensive cleaning. It started out because of a horrible smell.  Turned out it was a bag of broccoli with a pinhole leak. It leaked broccoli water under some tiles I use for hot items, so I didn't catch it. But cleaned it up, and decided that it looked nice, but now I wanted the rest of the kitchen to look good, too! So, allllll nice and sparkly again. 

5. The weather was nice the last couple days, and that was good, because one neighbor needed help with a pump generator out in the middle of his cow pasture. This could be a very slimy event, but wasn't, as it hadn't rained for a few days, and so it was a lot easier to do!  

And today, he helped a friend nearby who had a piece of equipment he'd ordered come in, and asked if Husband would mind helping him set it up. This lead to a nice visit, from what I gather...

6. I am going to miss finishing my book for this month, but I'm ahead for the year.  I just haven't set aside the time to finish it. But so far I do like the book... :)

7. I have discovered I like almond milk. Husband is not convinced, but I think it's pretty good, less calories, and doesn't make a half bad hot chocolate!

8. The hummingbirds are in bloom.  In the evenings, it sounds like several small engines running, as they fly in to sip. I hope to get a second feeder up. This one feeds four at at time, and it leads to Hummers circling for a spot. Or fighting... :/  Oops. 

9. We have some family friends, that if I was to tell their exploits to a soap opera producer, it would be deemed rediculous.  Well, of late, it sounds like, for the most part, some of the problems have settled down a bit, and they are healthy, last time I heard. This is a very good thing, and sadly, doesn't happen as much as it should. But right now, it is!!

10. I have officially started on the front of the shawl for my friend, and worked out what I want to change for my blanket boo boo. I hope they will be enjoyed when I finish.


messymimi said...

I like your list!

One man here in town told of his hummingbird adventure. He put up a feeder, and one male decided it was his and guarded it against all comers. The man put up a second, at the other corner of the house. Bird guarded both. A third at a third corner of the house produced the same result, as did a fourth. The bird was just flying in circles trying to guard them all and fight off all comers. The man finally gook them down so it wouldn't kill itself!

clark said...

Ah! the dermatologist (dermatologist motto: "Hey, the atmosphere is 78% nitrogen, we don't hear you complaining, just because we cool it into a liquid state, now you're all 'ow! that hurts'*)
We've gotten hummingbirds but only in, like pairs (around the windows, presumedly eating insects and such. Unfortunately I am camera-reflex deprived (my generation lacks the trigger gene) I see it, I thinking, 'Where's my phone?
too late

have an excellent week

* had annual visit last week you Grat triggered repressed memory

Kristi said...

I had to look up postcarding. That sounds like a lot of fun!
I was riding on public transportation yesterday and a man was talking rather loudly on the phone. I think he might be related to your friends, because his conversation seemed like a ridiculous soap opera plot, too!
There are baby goats near me; I love seeing (or reading about) the baby animals in the spring.

Dyanne @ I Want Backsies said...

Hi, Cat, it's nice to meet you! I've been a very absent host of the TToT and am so pleased you are joining us! Glad your dad's skin cancer was successfully removed - ouchie! I like to use almond milk in smoothies, especially because it doesn't get all foamy like cow's milk does. And I love to watch baby calves play, too!

Lisa Tomey said...

Happy about the no cancer resolution! Hope this week is beautiful!