Monday, June 24, 2024

Book day.

Read a book. I had plans to cut blackberry brambles, but it had rained. I felt sorry for the farmers trying to get hay in, but hopefully it will knock down some of the pollen. Right now we have the highest pollen count in the US. 



So I decided to read the second book after The Book Glasses, Contrarium. It went on with the story, and wrapped things up nicely, explaining about the two sets of glasses, the bad guy, and what happened, and what she ends up doing with them. 

It was an enjoyable read... Okay, the one bit, the bad guy swore. A lot. It was indeed in character for what was going on, but it got a little old to see b-word, or f-word several times in one paragraph, let alone the page. But that's about the only negative. 

I call the 2 book series Very Good.  Stuck me as maybe a young adult type book... But it's a fun ride, with some good thrills thrown in!

So, maybe I will get the brambles down to size, but I decided to be bookish for the day!

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