Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Patio found, ebook pretty much lost.

 I got up, dressed, and went to clean the patio in the garden. I had tarps on it during the winter, so it wouldn't grow grass between the bricks. It worked, mostly. 

However, the (highly censored) gopher had undermined several bricks, and muddied up several areas. So, after some digging, washing, some clipping of grass that did manage to grow, my patio base is now back. 


Then I went on to getting scads of blackberry brambles cleaned out on the inside of the fence. Then I can mow and get the brambles on the OUTSIDE of the fence removed. I clipped, and snipped, and piled mounds of the viney things up. Now, if I mow, or set up my fancy chairs from Le Mart du Wal, I won't look like I went hand to claw combat with a bobcat. 

It was about 5 hours work getting it done, so between the heavy duty doings, and the weather today is supposed to be hot, I will be getting some chores done, a few things I need to pick up in town, and then I think I will probably just take it easy. The brambles will still be there. 


I might read a bit. But, I won't be using my faithful old tablet for new books.

I tried to load some the other day that I picked out, and a little message zipped onto the screen saying... Something about not... Well, it zipped by so fast I couldn't read it.


So I tried it again, with the same flash by message, which I gathered was saying it would not load the books...

Huh. Well, I was in a hurry, and couldn't wait around to hunt down the reason why. So I shut it down.

Later, I sat down and tried to work out why it wasn't loading. I tried what I could think of, and Husband made several suggestions. I am not a patient person, so he decided to do some online searching, while I continued trying to find the problem. I then couldn't log in... I tried Google. Gah, password. Husband got that for me, and I typed it in. 


It would give me an error message. And I kept checking my phone, it hadn't shown that I had even made an attempt. 

Okay, that just doesn't make sense to me. Husband then asked what version of the app I had... 3.6. And the tablet, what year? Er. 2010, I think. 

And, he quietly tapped and read out to me that my tablet was no longer supported by Google, as of April, and the 3.6?  

They are up to version (cough), 8.10something! So, I guess both, although working perfectly well, are no longer available. So, I begrudgingly downloaded the new app version, on my phone, so I can read my books. Not really wild about using my phone, but... At least I have access.  

I am okay with the newer one, except that it gameifies things. Oh, you read today, here's a gold star type thing. I just want to read, thanks. 

But, it works, so there's that. 

And I do have several hundred books , supposedly, on my tablet, so I can use it for a while yet. But I guess everything has a use by date.  


1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on all the garden work!

    Yes, the doggone things eventually get to where, even if you've taken great care of it and it's still viable and working, it won't "work" any longer with new systems. Almost everything I use is now like that, some won't show certain websites, etc. After all, if they keep letting you update and use what you have, they aren't making any money off of you.


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