Monday, June 10, 2024

Night frights.

 We were both bushed, and hit the rack, dropping off almost immediately. 

This was not to last.

I awoke to a gunshot, and the bedroom was lit up like daytime. I launched out of bed, Husband on my heels, and we looked out the windows. There was a deputy and he had his searchlight on, aimed up towards our place. 

We decided going outside was probably not the best option. Within a minute or two, there was another, louder shot. Because the light was facing us, we couldn't see what was going on. But soon, Husband realized that the deputy was walking up the neighbor's driveway, scanning the area with a flashlight. 

Finally, he drove slowly up the road, turning the searchlight off, and left. 

We did not get much sleep after that...

Next morning, I decided to go up where he'd been stopped. Husband joined me. We went just a bit past the neighbor's driveway, and there it was...

A deer had been hit, and badly damaged, and the deputy had to follow and put it down. It was a mess, to put it mildly. And it wasn't quite out of spots, so it was a young one. We decided when the deputy was walking around, he was probably checking for other deer. 

Sad end for it. And one heck of an exciting evening, not in a good way.

Needless to say, we had naps later in the day. 

1 comment:

  1. It's very sad and unsettling, I'm just glad they weren't looking for a criminal.


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