Sunday, June 09, 2024

Well, mow me down!

 Husband and I both decided mowing was the thing. He mowed the hill behind our house with the commercial type mower he has. I got a little more than half the mowing finished in the garden area with my little electric mower. Probably would have been more, but I was using a mower bag, and trotting the cuttings to a mulch pile. I did my exercises! 

I hope to finish the rest, and clear a not quite finished raised bed, so we can set up for my tomatoes. I have a few other bits and bobs to get in the ground, too, but the tomatoes are priority. Cleaning out the flower beds will be nice, as well, but I want the veggies in before it gets too much later. 

I found a slug in the slug trap. Still wondering why they like beer so much. But if I can keep the nasty little invasive things away from my garden, GREAT! One of my friends said at least they died happy. 


As long as they die... 

The birds sure like us! The crows were following Husband to catch mice and voles that were exposed... And I was knocking down tall grass with seed tops, the little birds were checking that out quickly, too! 

We are talking about taking a mini vacation, on the property. A test run for some equipment. Much better to find out X doesn't work when you can walk a few feet to the house, rather than needing to drive some distance for a repair/replacement.  

I intend to bring several magazines I have put aside for just this occasion! 

And we shall see if Ding is into camping or not. Important to know, in case we need to bug out in an emergency... :/

But right now, it's just a test camp!

1 comment:

  1. Great work on the mowing and planting and I do hope the test camping goes well.


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