Sunday, August 25, 2024

Beep! Beeeep!

 Ding has a habit, (I think most cats do it to some extent, but Ding is very problematic about it), of walking in front of my feet, then flopping over, blocking me. I haven't tripped yet, but it's been close a few times...

So, I have been doing two things to hopefully ameliorate the problem. If I am carrying something, or it's dark and I can't see her well, I drag my feet. Since I have started doing this, I have rolled her at least twice. But I don't trip, she isn't hurt, and since she doesn't like me to roll her, she gets out of the way quickly. 

The other thing is more when I am needing her to move, I've done it both when I can see her, or when I am carrying something. 

I make a BEEP like a VW bug. Then I move forward. BEEP, move. Repeat... It's taken a while, but she finally has the clue that if she hears beep, she's needing to get out of the way. I now don't have to push her much, she generally moves as soon as I beep. 

I don't know who is training who, exactly, but it seems to work. 


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