Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Berry time!

 I picked blackberries, I make jelly and sauce with them. 

They are invasive, but I figure, if they are there, I will use them. Lemons to lemonade, blackberries to jelly, I guess... 

This is about 1/2 way through my picking. The berries are nice and plump this year, we had rain at the right time. The berries come at a price, though. Geez, do they have a lot of thorns. I usually look like I was the loser in a cat fight. With several cats!!

I picked quite a few ginormous ones in the chicken yard.  I try not to think too hard about that. ;)

Besides being huge berries... I had several "assistants". They would walk up and cluck, checking for handouts or dropped berries. 

I ended up picking big berries for myself, then some small ones, a nice handful, and tossing them out so the chickens could have a treat... 

And so I wouldn't step on them. :/

Berries in the house, I started juicing them. 

This is a very old juicer, I have tried several kinds, this, for me, is the easiest to use and clean. I squashed about a half bowl of juice out. I then put it in the fridge overnight, get the "scum" off the top, then I have it ready to go for making my jelly.

I then cleaned up, took the seed leftovers out to the chickens, washed all my juice splatter, my arms, and then...

I sat down for a bit!

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