Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Late, but... Words for Wednesday.

Don't know if I will do this every week, but Messymimi has Words for Wednesday, and my addled mind actually had a blaze of an idea. To wit:

The words-

consider second sink instinct face flash mouse grey

The story:

Consider my cat. It has a wild instinct, like the lion, or tiger... But, I think she has definite modern tendencies. 

The second I go in the bathroom in the morning, brains mouse grey with sleep, and not at my most alert... 

In a flash, She is at the sink, purring and pawing for me to start her morning water run. 

She sticks her little face under the faucet and drinks her fill. I, meanwhile, am trying to make sure I don't manage to flood her, or forget the water is on! 


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