Saturday, September 21, 2024


 1. Having 4 seasons. Spring with new growth... Summer is hard for me during the day, I wouldn't have a garden otherwise. Now, most of it is slowing down, the trees are starting to show colors, and we are awakening to cool mornings. (Okay, I can do without winter ice storms, but you get the idea). 

2. Random conversation. 

Was waiting in line with a few other people, when a gent walked by with a shirt that read "6+4+3=2". We were all wondering about it, and Green Acres, as well as Abbott and Costello were mentioned. 


Finally, curiosity got the best of me, and I looked it up, from, 

"a 6 4 3 double play means the shortstop fielded the ball and threw it to the second baseman, who turned the double play by throwing it to first base." 

One person shook his head, "Okay, I should have known that..." 

Helped the time pass, at any rate!

3. Quiet evening at home. We've been on the go for several days, but it's nice to just come home and read, or watch a video, or snooze... 

Or listen to the cat snooze... 

4. Glow in the dark stuff. I just think it's fun. I have glow in the dark ping pong balls, and lightweight glow in the dark yarn. I am contemplating a glow in the dark Christmas ornament or two. I used some of the yarn to make a Christmas tree star topper. 

5. Imagination. I have come up with patterns, and and ideas, and such the like, when waiting. When I was at the eye doctor, came up with an idea I hope to test soon. A purely decorative idea, but it could be used for a blanket or something... Guess I will have to make it to find out! 

6. Growing up both without, and with, technology. Standard desk phones and TV were about high tech as I can think of, except for the amateur (ham) radios my dad had. I learned about computers in highschool, and tried to keep up the best I could. I have a phone now, that eclipses anything I had, but frankly, I still can leave it for hours at a time and not care... Books, pen and paper, yarn, the radio... Cooking. I have a wide span of things the phone can just go sit somewhere else, I got this... It's nice to have, but it's not my life.

7. A fresh vegetable store we have locally. It's called Grandpa's, because he was the start of it, a teeny roadside stand. He had the family kids help, earning money for college and trips and such. After several years, I believe it is grand, or possibly great grands working in a large shop, still with fresh vegetables, just a lot more, and honey, and jam, and trinkets from local folks... And there are more family, but the funds still are helping schools and trips!

8. Getting a phone call out of the blue from a friend. Hadn't heard from her in a while, a we had a nice chat and caught up. 

9. House plants. I guess I enjoy gardening, even in the house! I try to ignore the fact my philodendrons are seemingly several yards long, and have been cut back and replanted, and made cuttings of several times... I just consider it my personal jungle, and go on. 

10. Sunsets. Pretty to watch, colorful, and generally with the thought of all the things finished, or with the hope of things to do tomorrow... 

Enjoy your week! :)


clark said...

'cellent oT List. Especially #8 and #2 the former because, well, the enhanced appreciation of the things available for me and the latter? Mr. Haney (lol loved the show and totally enjoyed Mr. Haney)
Have a good week

Anonymous said...

Thank you!