Thursday, October 24, 2024

And... Spin! Zzzz...

 The other night it was fairly cold. Ding likes to sleep with us, and was in an extra snuggly mood. 

Husband had to get up for a few moments. Ding decided to come up directly beside me, so she could get a warm hug. She also was on the bedspread, wrinkled up under her.

Husband came back to bed, flipping the blankets out of the way, and then pulling them quickly back over him, tightly.

He didn't notice Ding. 

WHOOSH!! The bed cover flips her completely over on her back. She struggled a bit, looking confused.

Then she seemed to realize she was comfortable, neither of us was moving, and she was warm. 

A few minutes later, they were both snoring softly...

Alls well that sleeps well, I guess...  ;)

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