Saturday, October 19, 2024

Newsy thankfuls

 Linky bits.

I have been watching entirely too much news. 

So, instead of getting down, I thought I would use it for my thankfuls. It might be a bit shorter than some of my thankful blogs, but rather intensely heartfelt...

1. I have useable, drinkable water from the tap. And none flooding my house.

2. I have food, and enough to share.

3. I can easily get around, the roads are okay, I can drive (or trike) where I need to.

4. My neighbors and I don't necessarily agree politically or religiously, but we are still good neighbors, and help and visit each other.

5. As a gal, I can drive, sing, do pretty much as I would like.

6. I have good doctors, and can get help when I need it. Sometimes takes a bit, but it's available.

7. I can vote. 

8. I have family that loves me, and I love them. 

9. My chickens are healthy, if rather bedraggled from molting. 

10. I can read, and read anything I care to.

Have a wonderful week, and maybe go out and enjoy yourself... And maybe not get too intense on the news. Cough... 


messymimi said...

Beautifully said! When everyone shares our blessings, then we'll have room to complain, until then we are thankful.

Anonymous said...

Hadn't thought of it that way, but yes, I agree!