Saturday, February 22, 2025

Ana one, ana ten...

 Linky bits

1. Made it through the freezing weather with no power outages, or anything freezing and breaking. 

2. Used my glorified typewriter computer, so I could write up a list for my doctor at my annual physical. He much appreciated it. I find I actually remember all I want to cover if I do that.

3. Both my doctor and Physical Therapist say I am improving. (I just so wish it was faster! Not patient, am I.)

4. Husband and I talked it over, and he's driving me to PT, so he can get other chores finished, saving us extra trips and time. Yay!! 

5. My neighbor had a tree fall, and it knocked down a lamppost. Husband was able to make sure it wasn't going to electrocute anyone, and was able to get things out of the way. And she is fine, so all went well. 

6. Still losing at chess, but I am playing for longer periods, and capturing more pieces, so I am learning! 

7. The new sock lock Husband made for me is working a treat!

8. A dear friend of mine was in a car accident. The car was totaled, but she walked away with bumps and bruises. I am so, so thankful for that!

9. Making veggie soup again, with my tomatoes. It's nice to have "fast food" that is actually good for us! 

10. So far, I am still keeping my new year resolutions. Real minor stuff, but I am pleased I have been able to do so.

Enjoy your week, have a wonderful one! 

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