Saturday, February 08, 2025

Cold weather thankfuls

 Linky bits

1. A warm place to live!

2. A fire in the fireplace. 

3. Warm wool socks... Like these I just knit.

4. Good cup of tea. Or hot cocoa. And possibly a cookie.

5. A good book. 

6. Blankets. Especially warm, fuzzy, and bright colored ones. 

7. Listening to Husband and Ding dozing, the occasional "zzz" in the air. 

8. Napping myself, as well. Zzzzz. 

9. Good, heavy coat, if I go outside.

10. The happy thought that all that lovely snow in the mountains, will be water for summer.

Stay warm, happy, and have a great week!


messymimi said...

What a joyful list! Thank you, you made me smile so big.

clark said...

I agree with Mimi... and (of course, there's an 'and' lol) I like the presentation/format. and not for it's succinctness or anything, but for the fact of it. One of the best things about the TToT is how it encourages us participants to have fun (with out lists both in content and in format)

Carin Diaz said...

I promise, I posted my gratitude blog first before I read yours. Your list is very similar to my thankfuls! :)

Carina said...

Hey your list is very similar to my today's thankfuls! :)