Saturday, February 01, 2025


 Linky bits

1. Birds. We have oodles of them around, and it's fun to watch them, (Nuthatches that hang upside down and vertical on a tree are pretty amazing), and we get even MORE entertainment from watching Ding watch the birds!

2. Firewood. Husband is always working on keeping a full bunk of wood, so when it gets below freezing, or the power goes out, we have a heat source. We have enough usually put back for more than a season, if he works it right. 

Our elderly neighbor mentioned that she was using wood heat, but was running low, and all she had was some trees in the back. She wouldn't be able to use it this season, anyway. I checked with Husband, and he said yes, he had a scoop full he could give her. 

I had to go to Physical therapy, but when I came home, here comes Husband with the backhoe, he took it over, and stacked it in her wood shed. She was gone, but was pleased beyond measure when she returned! And hopefully the scoop is large enough to last until warmer weather!

3. New projects. Had wanted to try a sock pattern that I bought recently. I learned a new cast on, "Chinese waitress cast on". I don't like it. Perhaps it's because I had to use small needles and a B hook, but it was tinkery, and really didn't seem stretchy, as the pattern wanted. 

So I came up with a different cast on to start, and will be knitting away on 2 needles for a bit. Pics later, but the pattern is Savant-Garde socks, if you want to see. I have long needles, decided to knit them up both at the same time. 

4. New PT guy is nice. I always have just a little trepidation at first going to new therapists, some have been total clinkers. This gent was nice, told me exactly what he was going to do, and by the end of the session, I was walking ... Well. Not completely fixed, but a LOT better. And he likes cats, so there's that! :)

5. Hand lotion. I bought some at a fiber/yarn fair, and have used it on my dried out claws. Amazing difference. It seems to seep into the dry spots so quickly. And when I remember to use it regularly, I don't get hang nails... ! 

6. Regular delivery of spring veggie p*rn. I have some items that I want, but it is fun to daydream about a huge garden filled with all the items I have never grown before. But it's fun to look through the catalogs. 

7. Our big oak. We have a huge oak in the front yard, and it's a beacon of the season. Right now it's a winter artscape of moss and branches, with a dessicated leaf or two hanging on for dear life. And then the birds fly in and out, a landing pad and rest stop before heading to the feeders. 

8. The yarn store owner. She is so cool, stories about her growing up and adventures she's had, keeps us updated on new yarns and products, and manages to raise fiber livestock, to make into more beautiful yarn for me to drool over! 

9. Rain. I like clear weather to do things, but when it rains, all the plants seem to awaken and look vibrant again. 

10. Longer days. It's nice to get up and not have to wait a few hours to get natural light, or have it dark well before I am ready for bed. 

Enjoy your week, have a wonderful one! 



messymimi said...

What a fun list! Kudos to you and your husband for sharing firewood with the neighbor.

Kristi said...

Hand lotion and seed catalogs are two of my (unwritten) thankfuls this week, too! What are your favorite catalogs? I love Baker Creek Seeds and Territorial Seeds.

clark said...

one of the incidental benefits of participating in the TToT is I get to read lists that, of late, include indications and signs of the end of Winter... which totally help!
cool to share the wood, no?
have a good week

Cat said...

Just glad we could help.

Cat said...

Territorial is a good one, I also love to go through Botanical Interests.
And yes, if I can find a non smelly one that works, I grab it!

Cat said...

Yes, it makes a view on what is going on, in each writer's area.
And we were glad we could help her.