Thursday, October 11, 2007

Things finished...

Well, the garden is winding down, (helped with some deer that seem to have an absolute passion for tomatoes, wonder what tomato fed venison tastes like?), but I am still getting a nice crop of crookneck squash. I hope to have these with supper.

This is a pumpkin I nursed along. Nothing huge, but it is a nice one. And it's yellow. I think it crossed with the crookneck. Pumpkin neck squash? Crook neck pumpkin? It will make a nice face for my Halloween-y scarecrow, at any rate.

Finally decided to redo my socks. They had ONE BIG jingle bell, I decided that three small ones would look better. The small ones don't make any noise. This might be a good thing, hearing "jing, jing, jing" every time I walk or do spinning could get a tad annoying after a while. Either that or every one's going to think there is a Spaghetti Western being shot nearby...

Lastly, I finished a sock last night. Started the other one this morning. I think the colors are a bit more even than the picture shows, while the yellow IS bright, it's not as stand out if you see the sock in person.

Now let's see. One charity baby project, 3 3/4 other socks to finish, some winterizing of my pantry, and figuring out how I am going to get some of the things I want finished by Christmas done in time, I am doing OK! I just need to grow about 3 more sets of arms by Tuesday, and I will have it whipped!

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