Tuesday, November 26, 2019


Well, getting ready for Turkey Day.  Had bought the frozen bird, and had just been getting the plastic wrap off.  Let's say I must have not impressed Husband, as he carefully asked if he could do the unwrapping, while getting the knife out of my hand. 

Hey, I hadn't even sworn by that point.  Just a couple annoyed grunts! 


Turns out, the silly knife was dull.  Using a different knife, voila, one frozen turkey.

Whereupon, Husband mentions that this turkey must be quitting smoking.

And I laughed...

I finished three hats for one group, and about 5 for another.  I forgot to take pictures of the 3, but have one of the 5.  I am going to see if I can send a picture with my phone.  I should be able to, I think.  If so, I will post it soonish.  It will have to be in the early morning, or if I switch to using my phone when I am blogging in town.  The joys of figuring out internet service... Meh.

Spent one day just spinning yarn, and knitting.  Sadly, I messed up one item.  I am knitting blocks for couch covers.  We put covers on them, because it's not uncommon for us to have come in from outside, and perhaps not be, um, as clean as we should be.  The covers, hopefully, keep the worst of the offenders off the sitting area.  We *have* blankets on there presently, to do the job, but Husband has mentioned that he would like them to be blue.  (The closest matching ones that are presently on there, are in yellows, greens, and browns.)  So, I decided to knit blocks, I have wanted to try different stitch patterns, this gives me the chance.  Plus, if I don't like the pattern, I don't have a big, long stretch of agony knitting.  So this is my "big" present to him.

But I said I messed up.  Yep.  I knit one square and it was such a simple pattern, just slip one, increase, knit across, increase, slip one, next row knit.  Then you just get smaller by doing decreases, but the pattern is the same.  Or at least that's how it was supposed to be.  Well, the first part came out swimingly.  The second part, the decrease?  It looked off, and when I folded it over, I had somehow managed to make it much narrower, so it comes to a point.  So, that square will not be used.  Frog that one, and go to another pattern.  I am also doing some crochet squares, I made one that was just all single chrochet.  It looks pretty good, so depending on yarn, and my mood, I will make both knit and crochet.  It will give me more diversity in patterns.

I figure, that will give me a bit of education in some stitches I might not have otherwise tried, and it will make a nice, unique and origional cover.  Yay!

But, knowing me, he might get the finished product by Christmas.  2021...

Maybe. ;)


messymimi said...

There's always something messing up the works.

Love your description of your kitchen adventure!

Cat said...

Yes, Husband sometimes is a tad... Concerned about my editorial remarks when holding cutlery... Ooops...
