Tuesday, January 21, 2020

One person's treasure is another person's yarn ball...

(I will see if I can convince the phone to put up a picture on the blog tomorrow of my gloves, but don't hold your breath...)

I had some fiber I bought from a lovely lady, since retired, (WAAAAHHHH!!!), ahem, anyway, she had put white, blue, green, red, yellow, and some sort of burnt orange color in the batt.  And there was quite a lot of it, 8 ounces or so.  I finally managed to spin it all, I would just grab hanks and spin, not separating the colors, just seeing what came up.  And it came up looking blended, with random stripes.  Now this was so funny, I fell in love with it because... The wool, and the color blending just reminded me of my Great Grandma's wool rug.  She was the bane of the family for a while, from what I understand, if she even SUSPECTED something was made of wool, she wanted it for her rug.  Now, this was a rug that covered her entire living room.  I was a small kid at the time, but even now, I seem to remember that it had to be about 10 to 12 feet on the long end, and... 7 or so feet the other way?  (It was a flattened oval.)  I can't remember for sure what happened to it, I seem to remember it became someone's 'junk' in a garage and was eventually tossed for being a mess, but I remember all the colors, and how tremendously large it seemed to little me... A big colorful island, of sorts. 

So I finished the spinning, and unlike some of my spinner friends, I don't plan, oh, I need this fiber for this project.  Which could be why I don't get picky about most fiber, I just enjoy the spinning, I will figure out what to do with it...

Eventually.  a-HEM...

I went to the doctor, (hang in there, this IS leading somewhere), and I was talking about my Rosacea.  I have given up chocolate, not fun, but it helps, a lot.  But I told him, please don't think I am crazy, but when I go outside, and it's cold and windy, I get terrible flare ups.  He laughed, and said, not only are you NOT crazy, that's actually a pretty common cause.

It is?  Huh... So, after getting a cleanish bill of health, I remembered to ask about the wind.  Would some kind of barrier to the wind work?  He said sure, as long as it wasn't a latex or polyester, which won't breathe, causing the problem to worsen... (Too bad, that means I can't get this. =:) ), so he recommended a balaclava, or scarf.  He mentioned a few places to buy them, and I said, I knit, would that work?  He grinned, and said, absolutely, you would know what bothers you and such, make yourself something nice!

So, I have the doctor's permission to knit. : D

But what?  My eyes fell on the "Grandma's Rug" yarn I'd made.  I had a pair of gloves and a skinny scarf I had knit a while ago for myself, but, with time, and my less than careful handling, on occasion, they were getting a bit scruffy.  So, I have commenced to knit a pair of gloves, now finished, and a scarf, which I have just cast on for.  I am still working out what pattern I want to use, but it will be a fairly basic, maybe more open looking scarf, so it will keep me warm, but I can breathe, without a wool filter blocking each nostril... (Ewww...)

So, January's 'selfish' knitting continues.  I need to work on some leaves, too... But, I want to make the scarf first.  Please ignore the socks, and at least two other "portables" I have going in the front room.  And no, I have no idea what all those projects are in my craft room.



Retired Knitter said...

Hahaha! I love the cat hat? mask?

messymimi said...

When the doctor gives permission, run with it!

Cat said...

Retired Knitter: Yes, I think it's a mask, more than an actual protector of skin, but it IS fun!


Cat said...


Run, I will! And I think I might see about more than one item, since I have permission, you see! ;D
