Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Russian Dressing, and onesie...

I  was watching a knitting show, always like to see if I can learn something new.  They had a way to join two pieces of yarn together. You more or less sew the one end into the other end. They referred to it as a Russian join.

Hmm. Never seen that before.  So I went to my stash, and started pulling out little bits of yarn.  Then I started using the Russian join to connect them.  I kept going and going, and decided to make a sock from the ball.  Normally, I would knot the pieces together, which while generally strong, can look crappy, and leave a bump.  Not with this one, as far as I could see.
As you can see, a very... Eclectic bunch of colors.  I added some reinforcement to the heel and toe, and Taa Daa, a sock.

And, because I can't think of a cute name, here's another sock onesie, having no distinguishing features, except that I finished it...

So, one more in the "sock it to me" blogs next time, and I think that's all the new ones I'd had finished...

Next time, Christmas in July!

Oh, and I hopefully will have news on the chicken front, last I checked, Edgar had 4 chicks.  News to come. Hopefully photos, too, if she doesn't try to bite my face off... :/


messymimi said...

Isn't it great to learn a new technique! These would make great Dobby socks (each one different).

Cat said...

Boy, if that's the case, I have a platoon of Dobby socks!!! :D
