Tuesday, March 26, 2024


 Didn't get a blog up... Late getting started, and by the time I remembered... Er, it's the time I write the blog for the next day. Meh. Can't win em all. 

There was a lunar eclipse. I saw it. 

Sort of. 

I was up about when it started, for annoying nocturnal reasons. I checked out the window, and it was cloudy. But very bright outside. I went back to bed, and Ding curled up next to me, pushing against my hand until I covered her. She snuggled down, started her soft little snorting snore. Husband was grumbling, until I realized Ding was pin cushioning him with her back claws. A little adjustment, and all was well.  I watched the shadows on the back wall fade. Didn't realize how dark it became, until a car drove by, and the lights through the window were brilliant.  Then it went nearly black.

I stroked Ding on her head, and a bit on her shoulder. She was invisible. A grey color cat doesn't show up well in the dark. But- soon the moon came out to play again, and light slowly filled the room. Ding decided a snack break was vital, and jumped down. I snuggled up and dozed off.  So, it wasn't exactly astrophysics norm...

But, it was nice. 

1 comment:

messymimi said...

Sleeping with cats in the bed is an adventure.