Saturday, June 20, 2020

100. Wow...

This is day 100 of staying home, except for groceries.  Well, and I bought some plants for my garden, so would that be groceries as a bank shot?

I see some that wear masks, some that don't. In this area, I suspect people are a bit complacent, since it's a bit lower than other areas. Among other things...

Since I am trying to stay healthy for myself, obviously, as well as being supply chain for family, taking care to do cleanliness is vital.  Heck, I am concerned about Husband or my cats getting something. 

I am trying to make a point to reach out to others.  I have found a bad habit I have, I can go months, if not longer, without making an effort to talk/write/communicate with others beyond my "bubble".  Since I dumped Facebook and Twitter, I have to work a little more on it.  This isn't a bad thing, I don't have to wear armor or a flak jacket to have a conversation that way!  (YMMV)

Still going to be home for a while, I will go "camping", which consists of pulling out the trailer to the garden, but hey, it's a change. Gives Husband a bit of "Bachelor" time, too! :)

I keep watching the news about the Black Lives Matter movement, and just hoping that all the protesters stay healthy and well, and safe.  For me, it's a time to shut up and listen, and learn. 

So, here's hoping my blog friends are safe and well, and that there is good things at your end!


Retired Knitter said...

I hear you frustration and I share it. But the message about this pandemic has not been entirely consistent. I believe in some minds once it stops spreading (because of our actions at least in some places) people think it is gone. It isn't. The 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic lasted 2 years - in total. This is our life until there is a vaccine because Covid-19 isn't going away. So I have stocked up on face masks, gloves, hand sanitizer, bleach cleaning materials - and changed my life socially as well. I am just glad I don't have to choose between going to work so I can eat and staying home so I can stay healthy. I am learning to stay home without going crazy and finding ways to be happy and busy without close contact with others. Its not ideal, but it is what it is. Stay well. Stay sane. Stay connected while staying apart!

Cat said...

Retired Knitter: I so agree. I guess I am used to waiting, so that isn't a big problem. I suppose it's the undercurrent of fear. Are my parents okay? Is Husband? What about family and friends in hotspots? How do I safely get around without problems? H***, what about passing it to my CATS, for goodness sake?!??

And since I have family with... Different opinions on this topic, there's that to deal with...

But no, Husband and I refer to our place as "The Retreat", and I believe it will be for probably a good long bit, until there's a vaccine or some such...

But yes, masks and cleaners, they are a big part of life now...


messymimi said...

My take on it is that i am going to be wearing a mask for work and to go into stores until probably further notice or the rest of my life. As long as i am working, i have to make sure i am not exposing the elderly clients who depend on me, and since i also have two heart problems and lung scarring and now my family propensity to high blood pressure has kicked in, i can't take chances for myself, either.

Cat said...

Yep. I figure I have family with problems, I am not skinny, which can cause problems, and I am around older (read 70 to 90+) when I am volunteering, at a place where it's public oriented. Yeah, masks are going to be vital... 😷
