Tuesday, December 15, 2020

No cup, technical difficulties.

 Need to do the blogs in the morning, I guess, seems like the internet slows WAY down in the evening.  Movie streaming, or some such, I guess.  I am not complaining, it works!!! Radical improvement over getting up about 3-4 am so I could do anything important. 

One of the chicks that I haven't come up with a name for, might be called Sweet Sue.  I open the barrel, and she jumps up, then waits.  If she's in my way, I can just pick her up and set her back on the floor. She's not tried to bite me, or jump in the feed.  Sadly, Larry, Curly, and most especially Moe, have been more than living up to their namesake... Urg.

I would normally have a picture of a cup here, but the picture won't upload. Don't know if it's machine or operator... Catch it later.   :/

I have become a cat magnet, more so than usual. I have taken to picking up Buzz when I walk around outside. Husband can't do this, she turns into a flailing claw ball.  I have a minor problem when I get to the house, she doesn't want to go inside, so she yowls and claws into my coat, (not ME, thankfully), so I can't put her down easily. 

Then, when I am in the house, Ding wants to sit on my lap, with her blanket wrapped around her.  Since she's not a tiny cat, this can lead to my legs going to sleep!  

But, guess I am comfort for them. Glad they are happy.

Now if I could just work on Moe's attitude...


Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

My cat doesn’t mind being picked up if she is facing forward, any other way, her claws come out. She sleeps on my legs also and I really hate disturb her, but when my leg cramps start, she has to leave. My screams scare her.

messymimi said...

Chickens with attitude, i have no idea how to deal with that.

Good luck with the internet and pictures tomorrow.

Retired Knitter said...

Crazy. Who knew chickens have personalities!