Sunday, October 16, 2022

23. A colorful beige day.

 I decided to go to the Oregon Flock and Fiber Festival (OFFF). Just wander around, sniff yarn fumes, and take a "day off".

I drove on a back road, and realized there was a balloon nearly keeping pace with me.  When I arrived, it flew over the parking lot.

OFFF is a gathering point for yarn folks from all over. I recall seeing license plates from Washington, Oregon, and California. A few other states, as well, I believe I might have caught a glimpse of a Canadian plate, too. Oddly enough, I even saw... Vermont? Now THAT is a dedicated yarny!  

I went in and, after a quick course plotting, headed into the Land of Fluff. I found a few of the vendors that I follow online. It's nice meeting the folks I follow and read about, and get to chat in real life. 

So, as you can see, I purchased a few goodies while I was there.  The top yarn looks pretty online, but when I was able to see it for real, it's a vibrant, squishy yarn, that I think will be nice to knit up. Being that it's white, mostly, I am considering a hat, scarf. Something not on my feet, anyway.  The yarn is from Boss Kitty, the types of yarn include "kitty glitter" (yarn with silver and gold highlights), and "mo'hairball", with a lovely Marino halo.  Sadly, I don't do well with Marino, not allergic, exactly, but the fluffs wander about, and I end up with a sneezing fit.  So, lovely... But no.  

The second is August colorway, by Abstract Fiber. Another squish fest, and gentle fall colors. Definitely socks, or gloves.

The last is Bad Santa, by Knitted Wit.  Red and green, with yellow and brown.  I've bought from them before, and it's a good yarn, and yes, yarn makers seem to like to have... Fun, naming yarns.  Probably... Christmas socks? 

Then, I bought buttons to jazz up my small backpack.  I might transfer one or two to a jacket, but the majority, especially Boss Kitty, will be on the backpack.  I mean, really, look at those kitty eyes!!!   ;)

After spending money, supporting small business, I went out to see the fiber fuzz, on the hoof.  And unless I missed the rabbits, it was all hooves. No bunnies, that I saw.  Goats were out being judged, so I had to walk a bit carefully, there were lots of pellets, in a very specific line, leading to the corral where judging was.  

Inside the barn were goats being primped to show on the next judging, sheep eating nearby. Llamas were being prepped for juding as pack animals.  I felt kind of sorry, I walked by one llama, she leaned over, "hmmm??" I gave her a pat, and said, "sorry, Honey, no treats."  

"Hmm." She understood all too well what I said.  She kept watching me hopefully, though.

I was pretty well walked out by then, and it was getting to about 75 degrees, (it IS October, right?), so I decided to go have some lunch at the Golden Arches Supper Club, and head back to the house. I did end up stopping at some neighbors freebie piles, and rescued a plastic table someone had dumped by the side of the road for my greenhouse. 

All in all, a good day! 


1 comment:

messymimi said...

It does sound like fun, i'm glad you took a day for yourself.