Tuesday, January 09, 2024

First time, twice.

 I was going into town today, and decided I didn't want to fold my cuffs up, yet again.  I have been doing this for a bit, partly because I hadn't asked Mom how to do it, and partly... Well, it was quick and easy to fold the cuffs and be done with it.

But I had new jeans, and decided I wanted to make them look finished. So, with a bit of digging, I found a sewing needle that didn't look like it could double as a harpoon, some nearly the right color thread, and straight pins, and measuring tape. (You can see the heavy planning and exacting detail I used. Ahem.)

I decided to wing it. No Mom, no YouTube, no idea really if I was doing it right, but I figured it would be better than in college when I used the stapler to make a hem... 

So, for a first, see what happens try, I think it came out okay. The one wrinkly spot on the left is my holding my pants leg funny, the hem is actually even on both sides. How long they will stay, and whether it will look good after washing... No clue. But it's something!

I also was reading an article about bots, and voices that are used for them. I have Google on my phone, and wondered what voices were available. Looked up how to change the voice. Not terribly hard, so for fun, I now have a girl from the British Green, at least that's what the title is. So when I ask Google a question, I will have her answer. Later, I might change it to a guy's voice. Or a different gals. A vocal chorus for my questions!

But, I did two new things. Not the 6 impossible things before breakfast, but still nice!


messymimi said...

Trying to do new things keeps you young, I am convinced.

Anonymous said...

Works for me!