Sunday, January 07, 2024

He flew the coop... Sort of...

One of our neighbors was talking to Husband the other day, and mentioned she needed a new rooster.  He mentioned it to me, and I went to tell her I had two, she was welcome to one of them.  

So, this evening, she took Pepper away to his new home. I still have Jet Puff.  

Pepper is a bit smaller, and Jet Puff would beat up on him continually.  I am happy that he's going to be an only rooster now, with his own group of girls. 

Somehow, I think, after he gets over the panic of the move, Pepper is going to be a happy rooster!


messymimi said...

He will be. Every rooster needs to be an only rooster. A Mr. Necessity, if you will.

Anonymous said...

That is true most of the time. I had one time that I had two that didn't fight, but one was... Well, he'd grown up by himself, and it took him a long time to figure out what roosters do. He was actually afraid of the hens for a long time. So the other rooster didn't have much competition.