Friday, January 12, 2024

Hop, jump, and a tweet.

 I haven't been able to get a picture of it, but our bird feeder has one visitor I keep a lookout for. There is a finch that keeps showing up, and it only has one foot.  

I don't know if it's from birth, or an injury. Either way, it's smooth on that side, and the bird doesn't seem to have anything problematic on getting food... With the possible exception that it doesn't hang on the cage feeder, it hops on top of it and leans down to get the suet. 

It's highly skittish, for obvious reason, when Ding jumps to the window.  But it seems to have learned to stay up atop the crossbar, or staying on the far side of the feeder, where Ding can't "see" it. 

Finches and the Chickadees are rather aggressive with each other at our feeders. I really expected it to be pushed around.  Heck, no.  Either it jumps up like a Harrier jet and attacks other birds that get in its face, or it will fly off in a big loop, and land on the other side of the feeder where the aggressor can't see.

Somehow, this goofy bird makes me feel good.  But I still want to get a photo...

1 comment:

messymimi said...

I'm with you, pulling for the underdog, um, underbird.