Saturday, January 13, 2024

Ready, set.... NO!!!

 The weather folks are all saying we are going to have an ice storm.  So I got up yesterday, and spent the morning baking (allows us to have food that doesn't need cooking), and Husband got our truck prepped, in case we'd have to leave (only vehicle with 4 wheel drive).  We made sure we had water handy, too. 

We have checked on family, helped where we could, put some wood by the front door for the fireplace, made sure we had fuel for the generator, and flashlights.  Husband even made sure we had a chainsaw, because ice storms mean downed branches and trees. 

I am so NOT looking forward to this, especially when we won't be able to leave the place if someone needs help. More accurate to say we could, but unless it's a life or death thing, we plan not to. 

So, I will charge my phone, but if there is no blog from me for a day or two, that's most likely why.  I will see if this silly phone can be charged on the generator, but it's a... Persnickety beast. 

Think warm thoughts, folks. Guess it's a good thing I've been knitting myself a hat and scarf set, and have some good wool gloves!!! 

1 comment:

messymimi said...

I'm praying for safety for all of us who are expecting deep cold or wintery weather.