Monday, January 01, 2024

It's the one-eth! (Also, part 2, more or less)

 So. New year, and all that.  As you can see I was highly busy NOT writing my blog.


I guess I think of a cartoon I watched of Wiley E. Coyote writing in his diary: "Today I did not catch the Roadrunner." 

Under this is several days previous, where the exact same sentence is written. (Aaaaand, of course, I can't find the clip online. Oh, well. You get the idea.) 


I had the surgery, it was delayed... I think 3 hours? A while, at any rate. And mine, because of all the repairs Dr. had to do, went long.  I gather family was VERY concerned. I, on the other hand, was zonked, and except for waking with desert dry mouth, guess it went well.  The doctor slipped in to see if I was awake, then handed me off to the release nurses, who were trying to get me gone, I don't remember how late it was, but I suspect it was getting close to a shift change and they wanted me out.  

I was admonished at every turn not to be a hero, take my meds. I humored them, they wanted me to take 2 of the high powered pills, AND Tylenol. 

Um. No. 

I took for the first day or so, either one, or a half of one, and a Tylenol.  The block didn't wear off for about a day and night or so.  When it did... 

I was thrilled! I didn't hurt! I tried with just a half of the high powered stuff, then a quarter, and told Husband that I wanted to just use the regular stuff. I was groggy, and afraid of my balance with the high powered stuff. So, 3 days, or thereabouts, I was on regular stuff. The only time after was my first PT, and I really didn't need it much then. So, YAY!

While I wasn't completely hopeless, my activity was pretty limited. I knit and crocheted, I went to the doctor, and the PT, and watched TV, and occasionally wrote to people.  Some wrote back. 

In fact, I guess I had become so stir-crazy that Husband took me to the coast, just so I was doing something, and had to get dressed and move a bit. 

I had several crafting projects to work on while I was not able to do. 

I did... Practically none of them.  I did others that I thought up while wondering what to do with myself. I knit several hats, that eventually went to a local cancer charity. I crocheted a tree topper, and some ornaments. I made several afghan squares, and an afghan for a friend neighbor that checked in on me regularly. I also made 3 sets of Advent calendars, with little knitted ornaments. And boxed them up to send, they all managed to get there pretty much on time! I think there may have been a few other things, but when I couldn't get around much, it passed the time. 

I weirded out the poor PT. He was commenting on my foot turning outward. I told him yes, I can turn it 180 degrees. He smiled and said, you mean 90. I said, nooo, I mean 180, and proceeded to turn my leg 'til my toes were behind me. He blanched, and yelped, DON'T DO THAT!! (I don't, as a rule, but I did want him to realize what was going on.) After that he referred to it as my "party trick". 

He was a great PT. And believe me, I have had good, and miserable ones, so... He even worked on my heel when I stepped on a cat toy, which I now have decided are dubbed "fuzzy Legos". I was released from him, but I am still doing the exercises. They seem to help me keep my ankle, and my knees somewhat limber. (The knees being the whole starting point 'o this mess.)

So- at this point I am getting to where I am able to walk without pain pretty much all the time, it will get sore if I've been on concrete too long, but so does the other one. I am exercising with my elliptical, Max by name, and building strength in my legs.

Tomorrow, if all goes well, I will get another blog up with more recent activity. Some good, some not. 

You know, life.


npmckay said...

I'm glad it went so well! You always have fun with the PTs!

Anonymous said...

Not always, but I have lucked out with the last two, they are wonderful! And getting somewhat back to normal is terrific!

messymimi said...

it's so good to see you back! I pray you and your family have a blessed and beautiful 2024.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, and you, as well!